miƩrcoles, 21 de abril de 2010


Im really into my music, everyday i listen to all sorts of diferent types of music. Here are some of my favourite songs. Enjoy :)





miƩrcoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Animals in danger of extinction.

The world, because of us, is becoming a horrible scary place...

Especialy for some of the animals in the world. Here I am going to tell you about some of the animals that are in danger of extinction.

The polar bear.

Global warming is melting the ice from the Antartic, wich means less ice ( land for some animals) and more water wich could be something very dangerous for us.

Due to the disappearance of ice, during the next 45 years more than 30% of the polar bears will disappear.

The Bengal Tiger.

The Bengal tiger is the second largest and the most common tiger subspecies.

Bengal tigers are an 'endangered species'.

The current population of wild Bengal tigers in the Indian subcontinent is now estimated to be around 1300 - 1500. Which is less than half of the previous estimation of 3000 - 4500 tigers. Bengal tigers are in danger of extinction due to over-hunting by poachers.

The panda

We are cutting lot´s of forests, wich are of course the pandas homes and food.

Human beings kill pandas for economic reason and logger their refuges for human development reason.People still continue to hunt pandas for economic reasons. They are looking forward to the advantage of money.

According to the article” Everything you need to know about the giant pandas” “Giant Pandas have been hunted for their fur, and their skin is highly valued-in Japan it carries a price tag equal to$176,000U.S .


A World of Peace

The world is round,the world is wide.
What about the folks inside?
There is peace in places, but not in all.
That's to bad for a big blue ball.
People of all colours we can find.
To live in peace we must be kind.
Living together, white and black.
Love and forgiveness is what we lack.
Peace for all is what we seek.
For our souls,we hope to keep.

Peace poem by: Kristin Hromowyk.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Snowy England!

Well when i went back to England at christmas for the holidays,it was very snowy. Last year around christmas in England they had the most snow that they've had for a long time.

Big lakes and ponds were frozen and the paths were very icy so you had to be very careful, to go outside you had to wear: Hats, gloves, 2 pairs of socks, wellies and a big coat to keep warm and a lovely hot chocolate afterwards was perfect!

As you can see above, there was alot of snow !

Im not sure how this works!

Hey Everyone!
Well I have managed to get my blog set up yeaah!
Hopefully here you can find some interesting and fun stuff to do.
And I hope you will be able to understand most of it :)